Tuesday 2 December 2014

Bathtub and Doctor Who Feels | Blogmas 2014

Hi lovelies,
This post was supposed to go up yesterday, but due to me being sickly, I changed the rhythm of the day and it kinda messed everything up!
So, just think of this as December 1st, and the second post will be up later today :)

So, as mentioned, I am sick. I am home from work because I have a bad cold and I am constantly coughing my lungs out. Seriously, every now and then, mid cough attack I stop breathing... It's scary, and I think my students would find that horrifying!

So, I started December off with sleeping until noon, waking up to take a new round of medicine and then sleeping again until 15:30 when my mother called and woke me up. I was well rested, but had messed up my daily rhythm - so I was also awake until 2:30 am....
Spent the day watching all the vlogmas videos in my feed and getting super pumped!
And that's when I decided that Blogmas is what I'll do and hopefully, once I feel a little bit better, there will be some videos included in the blog posts! :)

So yesterday, as I was sitting in the sofa I decided to take a bath. And, if you are really good with using up your Lush stuff within the "fresh" dates - please don't judge what I'm about to tell you!
In January of 2014 I visited my local Lush and bought lots of festive stuff on sale. Bath bombs, bath melts and bubble bars. Most of those things I used up in around February - March. Look back on my Instagram feed and you'll know that I'm not lying about that one! However.... I didn't use up my last Shooting Star Bomb, or my last Cinder Bomb... So they've been sitting snuggly in a box in our bathroom since January... And I used them yesterday in December.... That means that they were like batched a year ago.... Let me tell you - they smelled just as nice, and they made the water all colourful and left my skin feeling smooth and soft as they should. The only big difference was that I plopped them in the water and they were gone within 30 seconds.... Which the fresh ones weren't...

So my verdict it - don't leave your Lush things for too long, but if you do they are still useable and they won't kill you!

After that I sat down to do some preparing for my students assessment and I decided to finally watch the new Doctor Who series... I've been putting it off and not having time to properly indulge in it until yesterday. I watched the first three episodes and this is what I have to say;

I really liked how they made Clara's reaction to the Doctor's regeneration into a big thing. I liked how they kinda had to convince her that he is the same guy. Cause, let's be honest - it's a big change!
I cried when Matt Smith called her phone in the end. She was all done and ready to leave and he called her, from the past. It was so beautiful and thought-through by Moffat that I just couldn't take it. Jenna's acting in the spaceship - where she has to hold her breath to trick the robots and then she gets captured and has this whole speech and just wishing the doctor is there to have her back. BRILLIANT! Yes, I was kinda hoping that Matt would be behind the mask, and was disappointed for a little while.
I am so sad that Clara will be leaving at Christmas, that is probably the one thing that is making this Christmas Special one that I 'm not looking forward to. Clara is my favourite companion because she is very similar to myself and how I would've portrayed the companion.

Now.... what do I feel about the Doctor? I gave him three episodes to redeem himself and to see if he could win me over. I must say that I think I like him. I think I can get used to him and his grouchy Scottish behaviour! I'm not entirely convinced yet, but at least I don't hate his guts. Which is what I thought I'd do!

Christopher Eccleston is the first Doctor I saw, without knowing who or what the show was, David Tennant is my Doctor, he's the one I fell in love with and Matt Smith will forever have my heart... I just need to figure out what I'm gonna do with Peter Capaldi...

I'm going to try and get some actual work done now, see you later!

∞ Zandrina ∞

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